Alternate Relief in Divorce Proceedings
Even though either party to the marriage seeks decree of divorce, the Court may pass a decree for judicial separation and not a decree of divorce, if the Court considers it just so to do having regard to circumstances of the case.
No Alternative Relief
It may be mentioned that when decree of divorce is sought on the grounds mentioned in clauses (ii), (vi) and (vii) of sub-section (1) of section 13 instead of decree of divorce, decree for judicial separation cannot be passed. Clause (ii) provides for decree of divorce when other party has ceased to be a Hindu by conversion to another religion. Clause (vi) provides for decree of divorce when other party has renounced the world by entering ‘any religious order. Clause (vii) provides for decree of divorce on the ground that the other party has not been heard of as being alive for a period of 7 years or more by those persons who would naturally have heard of him/her, had the party been alive.
What is the Effect of Decree of Judicial Separation?
Where a decree for judicial separation has been passed in your favour, it shall no longer be obligatory for you to cohabit with your spouse.
Rescinding of Decree of Judicial Separation
Where Court considers it just and reasonable and is satisfied on the application of either party i.e., either husband or wife, Court may rescind decree of judicial separation.